On Monday 24 October at 18:00 pm, an information event (info-day) will take place at Xanthi Tech Lab. The event will announce the prizes for the finalists and the entry process for the candidates and will be followed by an open networking event with partners, supporters and candidates.
The Evros Chamber of Commerce and the American University of Bulgaria have joined forces to give new business ideas the opportunity to win prize money and support for their development. With the contribution of experienced partners, a very short and structured support programme was created, targeting a relatively large number of people and groups who, while having entrepreneurial potential, are unable to fit into typical structures such as incubators due to workload.
Groups will compete to claim cash prizes, services and support from private businesses and organisations that support the programme. In addition, the finalists and their mentors will have the opportunity to visit the American University of Bulgaria.
The aim of the programme is, in eight meetings, to prepare the candidates to present their business idea to experienced and independent judges, competing for one of three prizes. The programme is divided into three stages, of which the third is only for the finalist teams to prepare them for the final pitch. During the first two stages, mentors, coaches and trainers will help the teams to understand the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and develop an effective presentation, which they will refine in the third stage.
The partners of the project are the Evros Chamber of Commerce, the American University in Bulgaria-AUBG, the Business Information and Consulting Center (BICC), the Institute for the Development of Technology and Human Resources (IATAP) and YET (Youth | Entrepreneurship | Education | Technology). Xanthi Tech Lab, the Chamber of Xanthi, the Chamber of Xanthi, the Kick it Support Structure of the Chamber of Kavala, the Chamber of Commerce of Alexandroupolis, Mindspark+ and DCN Global participate and support the program. Similarly, Lancom, a company active in the field of DataCenter, Cloud and telecommunication services will reward one of the teams that will be distinguished by providing cloud services.
The SEA project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and national resources of the countries participating in the Interreg V-A Cooperation Programme “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020”.