2. Stage A
Pre-incubator: pre-incubation period
Duration 11 weeks
This stage is divided into two phases: (1) week 1 intensive five-day training programme (2) weeks 2-11 weekly trainings and meetings of all participants. This stage mainly involves the identification/exploration of the business opportunity. Participating teams are evaluated on the feasibility of their business idea in both phases, with a view to entering the next stage of the incubator.
Intensive 5-day training programme
- Week 1
- Intensive daily masterclasses and short group presentation on the 5th day - assessment for entry into the pre-incubation room
Weekly meetings
- Week 2 - 11 | weekly trainings and meetings of all participants
- Adapting educational material to educational needs
- Final evaluation of stage A teams for entry into incubator and progress report of the Scientific Committee
3. Stage B
Incubator: incubation period
Duration 6 months to 2 years
This stage is divided into two phases: (1) Weeks 12-24, Meetings with incubator coaches - business planning (2) Until the end of the incubation period, Entrepreneurship skills development by qualified mentors.
This stage mainly concerns support from the start-up to the development phase. Selected business groups that successfully complete the pre-incubation stage are integrated into the incubator, making use of the available facilities, the relevant support and training services and the mentor network. It includes detailed business plan development, business skills building, pilot implementation-corrections and finalisation of the business model. At the same time, in addition to hosting services and logistical and legal support, business teams receive extensive networking services through a series of meetings and events.
Βusiness planning completion
- Weeks 12-24 | Meetings with incubator mentors-coaches
- Βusiness planning completion
- Utilisation of hosting services and accounting and legal support | | Networking activities
- Evaluation of stage B teams
Developing entrepreneurship skills
- Until the end of the incubation period| Access to specialised expertise (mentors) - entrepreneurship skills development
- Utilisation of hosting services and accounting and legal support | Networking activities
- Scientific Committee progress report every 6 months