The President of the Chamber of Evros, Mr. Christodoulos Topsidis, had a meeting with the Consul General for Economic Affairs of the US Consulate General in Thessaloniki, Mr. Isaac Hansen-Joseph. Mr. Isaac Hansen-Joseph visited Alexandroupolis and the meeting took place at the Chamber’s Light Hub Entrepreneurship Support Structure at 34 Constantinople Street. Mr. Topsidis informed the American Diplomat about the business profile of Evros, its development dynamics and its future prospects given the American presence in the port. At the same time, Mr. Hansen-Joseph toured the premises of the Light Hub, showing great interest in its operation and the projects it implements with the aim of empowering new entrepreneurs, as well as providing knowledge and information to existing ones.
“We had the opportunity to present our Chamber, its activities, but above all the dynamics of local entrepreneurship to Mr. Hansen-Joseph and to see once again the American interest in the development potential of our country. There are already companies from Evros that have ‘unlocked’ the American market and I hope there will be more in the near future. However, we also attach great importance to the exchange of knowledge and know-how that can be achieved through our Chamber’s educational structures, such as the Light Hub, in cooperation with similar structures in the US. We are working intensively in this area as well and we will soon have measurable results”, said Mr. Topsidis after the meeting.
The meeting was also attended by Dimitris Bakalidis, the head of the General Registry of the Chamber of Evros, Dimitris Bakalidis, the head of Business Advisory of the Chamber of Evros, Vassilis Kasapidis, the head of the Light Hub Leonidas Skrletopoulos and the head of the Scientific Committee of the Light Hub, Petros Soukoulias.